Over half the homes in the United States have mold. Combine that with around 28% of Americans having a gene that increases their risk for mold-related health problems, and you have a serious issue.

Mold has an important role outside. It helps organic matter decompose. That doesn’t mean we want mold growing indoors, though.

Mold indoors can cause serious health problems, even be life-threatening. It also leads to immense property damage.

What does mold need to grow? Let’s take a close look at the factors that help it thrive in your home.

What Does Mold Need to Grow?

Though our homes are warm and cozy, they also provide the perfect breeding ground for mold.

The three most common molds you will find indoors are:

  • Cladosporium
  • Penicillium
  • Aspergillus

Mold needs several different conditions to combine in order to start growing.

Our homes happen to provide all of these required conditions often. No matter how clean you pride your home on being, mold can still find a way to grow indoors somewhere. If you have an extensive mold problem, you might need the removal services of an expert.

Here are the different conditions that mold needs to grow:

Food Source

Though mold isn’t an animal, it still needs food to live.

Outdoors, mold targets anything that is organic. This can be a dead animal or a damp, rotting log. Mold can even be found in dirt and on grass and rocks. It’s able to survive almost anywhere.

In your home, it might surprise you the things that mold can attach to and eat. You can find mold in your drywall, in the seams between your wooden floor, or even in your carpet.


Mold is sort of like people in that it prefers a habitat that’s not too hot or cold. That’s why you can’t find mold in extreme regions like Antarctica or the Sahara Desert.

This is why our homes are so ideal for mold. Most homes remain within a temperature range of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range is absolute perfection for mold to flourish.


Direct sunlight kills mold. The sun’s ultraviolet rays destroy the cellular structure of the mold. This is why mold always grows in dark, shaded areas.

The indoor lights of homes don’t affect mold the same way the sun does. This is why you can find mold growing out in the open in your home sometimes. Artificial light doesn’t have any real effect on it.


All things need water to live, and mold is no exception.

Once mold spores find their way to an environment that is wet, it’s only a matter of days before it starts to grow. You can have trapped moisture in your home due to:

  • flooding
  • humidity
  • bad ventilation
  • leaking pipes
  • roof leaks
  • condensation
  • basements

If you find an area in your home where there is moisture, you will want to dry the spot at once. Next, you’ll want to investigate ways to prevent moisture from reforming.

For example, during summer, homes can become humid. Try running a dehumidifier during the summer months to help fight moisture forming in your home.

Prevention Is Key

So, what does mold need to grow? It needs a combination of factors to flourish, but its primary cause is moisture.

If you’ve discovered mold in your home and need it removed, rely on the services of a professional to safely remove it. Seitz Environmental can help you with mold remediation and prevention.

Contact us today to have your mold problem dealt with fast.